This page will be updated with photos of our operations as well as wildlife and wilderness photos (art/science images) and other art available through this site. All profits will be invested back into the regeneration of rainforest. Please contact us with any inquiries...
West Indies mahogany (Swietenia mahogani) in the shadehouse
Inidan rosewood (Dalbergia latifolia) in the shadehouse
The next generation of trees in the shadehouse
A Northern Dwarf tree frog (Litoria bicolor) makes a home in the canopy of one of our red cedar saplings
A Johnstone River Snapping Turtle (Elseya sterlingi) laying eggs on the bank of the Johnstone River
Checking the foliage on a Brazilian Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla)
Blue quandong (Elaeocarpus grandis) having the first layer of mulch (the local newspaper) placed after planting
Woollemi Pine (Wollemia nobilis) being planted in the rainforest as an experiment for species preservation
Looking up into the canopy of a two-year-old Brazilian mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla)
“...The greatest use of a life is to spend it on something that outlasts it...”
William James